Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Recap on Haitian Relief

So far, the international, multi-network telethon, Hope for Haiti Now, has raised $57 million. George Clooney worked tirelessly to get it organized and on the air on most networks for two hours last Friday night; yet no celebrity that participated was afforded special recognition for themselves. The night was about Haiti. If you missed it, there were respectful performances from Taylor Swift, Keith Urban, Kid Rock, Sheryl Crow, and many more performing in studios in Los Angeles, New York, and London. Many celebrities stepped up from the phone bank to narrate pieces on the relief efforts in Haiti, and there were on-the-scene reports from Anderson Cooper in Haiti. Fans still have a chance to raise more money for Haiti by heading over to iTunes and downloading the full performance album for $7.99. The full two-hour video telecast is also available for $1.99. Individual performances from the night are also for sale at $.99 a piece. All proceeds will benefit relief funds managed by Hope for Haiti Now charities.

News From Around The Country
Taylor Swift’s home in Nashville is beginning to look a lot like a fairytale. Taylor told Rolling Stone, “There's a pond in the living room. The pond is a moat around the fireplace and may possibly have koi fish in it.” The fairytale land will also include a stepping stone in the pond which leads to a spiral staircase, and a human-sized bird cage observatory. This will require pictures, Taylor….. David Tolliver, part of Halfway to Hazard, has announced that they have postponed any upcoming concerts. David stated, “I am going take a break, and put my energy into making myself a better man, father and husband!” …. Lady Antebellum will be joining Tim McGraw on his Southern Voice Tour this summer. Tim’s daughter, Gracie, approved, if nothing less than begged for, this act on dad’s tour. …. And finally, look for Loretta Lynn on the Lilith Fair Tour this summer. Sheryl Crow, Emmylou Harris, Miranda Lambert, and Sugarland have been previously announced as performers on the tour.

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