Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend Entertainment

Weekend entertainment saw Trace Adkins on the big screen, and John Rich survive another episode of Celebrity Apprentice. On the little screen, it was all about camping, a subject that none of the city-slicker celebrities on either team seemed to know anything about, short of supermodel Niki Taylor. She volunteered to lead the women; the men appointed Gary Busey. Both teams were equally as lost and disorganized. The women were more interested in decorating and making things pretty than concerning themselves with the functionality of the RVs. Then men appeared scattered and lost under the nonsensical direction of Busey and the less than ambitious efforts of teammates. For the first time, John Rich stepped up from under the radar to contribute a jingle to the project, which Jose Conseco and Richard Hatch felt was too hokey. The conversation escalated and John Rich flat out defended country music fans after Richard Hatch questioned their intelligence. In the end, the camping company loved the jingle, and the hastily thrown together camping experience depicted on the men’s side. Whereas the women made a great sales pitch of the RVs, they fell short of promoting the brand, so chock up another loss for Team ASAP. Niki Taylor took the firing without a fight. Trump called her a class act for accepting the blame for her team’s loss.

On the big screen, The Lincoln Lawyer made its box office debut this weekend at number four with $13.4 million. The film stars Matthew McConaughey as a lawyer who conducts business out of the back of his Lincoln town car. Trace Adkins plays the leader of a biker gang in the movie and shared a few scenes with McConaughey. During the filming, Trace discovered he had something in common with Matthew, “You know, we come from the same part of the country, same oil patch. His father worked in the same oil field I worked in. You know, we just sat around and talked about a bunch of the old bars we used to go to around there. It was weird that we’d been to the same places but never run into each other.”

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